Indentation indicator line

Problem description:
When my cursor is over a bracket, Replit automatically brightens the indentation line for the bracket. However, if I scroll up or down too much, this line disappears.

Expected behavior:
When my cursor is over a bracket, Replit automatically brightens the indentation line for the bracket. Should remain brightened no matter how much I scroll.

Actual behavior:
When my cursor is over a bracket, Replit automatically brightens the indentation line for the bracket. The line does not remain brightened

Steps to reproduce:
Hover over closing bracket of a large (400 line+) if statement. Scroll up.

Bug appears at this link:
Don’t see how this is necessary in this case

Chrome/Chrome OS/Chromebook
so many chromes

Nice catch! Thanks for reporting this, I’ll pass it along to the engineering team.

1 Like

No problem! My program is pretty long and I find this very useful for finding where things start and end!

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