Image not Reading with OpenCV

I am trying to read an image using OpenCV however the image is not being read. When I print the reading all the matrices are 0 with no RGB values. How do I fix this?
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When I run your code locally, I get this:

[[[189 212 234]
  [189 212 234]
  [189 212 234]
  [177 198 225]
  [184 207 233]
  [189 214 240]]

 [[189 212 234]
  [189 212 234]
  [189 212 234]
  [177 198 225]
  [184 207 233]
  [189 214 240]]

 [[189 212 234]
  [189 212 234]
  [189 212 234]
  [177 198 225]
  [184 207 233]
  [189 214 240]]


 [[172 203 226]
  [168 199 222]
  [167 196 217]
  [188 213 239]
  [188 213 239]
  [188 213 239]]

 [[170 202 225]
  [167 198 221]
  [168 197 218]
  [188 213 239]
  [188 213 239]
  [188 213 239]]

 [[169 201 224]
  [166 198 221]
  [168 197 218]
  [188 213 239]
  [188 213 239]
  [188 213 239]]]

In addition, the nasa image displays perfectly on my screen.