Im so special :)

yeah I know he invited some active users but invited like WAY more they just aren’t active XD (also exploits since he invited himself)

Those don’t count because he was testing a bug at the time, and previously you could invite yourself multiple times and it would count towards the invite badges.

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I know but he’s an active member so inviting just himself is a big step towards the five

I also like how you can invite someone even if they are already registered, and it will count. :sob:

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yeah I’ll accept yours is you accept mine XD

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I’ll take you up on that offer send your link ill send mine. (inv)

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you’re welcome :D.
I clicked it lol


Milo, thank you very much :).

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@not-ethan Hey your also super cool and following me would be super cool because I make cool stuff and I follow you cause your super cool and like my stuff is cool so yeah, cool

this updates in real time wow


We should start a petition to persuade Ethan to follow us. :dancer:

Yeah your also super cool and I’m super cool, I’m asking Ethan too follow me cause he’s super cool and so are you


why obsessed with :dance:

wait how do i get a link

go to you’re profile summary and press the + invites and generate one

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it’s a common thing I do, but I enjoy doing it, and I’m also infatuated with :).

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And select 10 and no website or email, and boom:

Edit: @not-ethan I just accepted my own Invintation? Thought this was fixed from your PR in discourse?

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wow we should be on topic

can’t find :0 pls help

wow we should be on topic