I'm making a game but the output is not showing the white square. please someone help me

<I’m making a game but the output is not showing the white square. please someone help me :pleading_face: >
Repl link:

code snippet

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it did help thanks but is not what I was expecting here’s an image of my preview and a video

[type or paste code here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yP9qYdLUw6IIQl1Q3OvCAmvAXGDkhc47/view?usp=drivesdk)

here’s how I wanted it to look like

[type or paste code here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eEwtlOzNiXr2-phrAMTHqzEbe2TV6Ng5/view?usp=drivesdk)

I’m new to java so Thanks for your time UMARismyname

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For me it still shows a blank screen. You can fix quickly through shell:

mv main/*a .
rm -r main
sed -i 1d *java

This moves the project to the root folder so that that is run by replit instead of some old Main.class

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