I think I lost my TL3

So, basically, I woke up to read the TL3 channel and maybe answer some questions, when I noticed the chat section wasn’t there, and the TL3 channel gone. Can anyone check the list to see if I’m off the list, or is it a problem on my end?

You dipped below the requirements so you were automatically demoted to TL2

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Ok, thanks for checking!

Same :frowning:

Your TL3 is back now :slight_smile:

Its not. Its caching with the flair and title


If you’re not active, you lose TL3!


@not-ethan, so I just got back my TL3, but I cannot see a channel, or any flair options. Is this a bug?

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At least you got TL3 at one point, whereas I can’t because I’ve received more than 6 warnings and a suspension in the last 6 months, which is unfortunate for me :sob:.

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Odd since it says you are TL2 on my end everywhere and I don’t see you in the trust_level_3 group


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Weird, because neither the TL3 nor the regular badge appear next to your avatar.

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That’s a setting that I can turn on.

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I may or many not need to play around with peoples trust level so people that are not TL3 don’t have the title or flair. I thought the people cant tell unless they are online at the time. I was wrong


Even so, when I go to your badges, the regular badge is still missing.

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Maybe everything is syncing.


@not-ethan Any updates?

Hi @AMDryzen5600X I can confirm you’ve dipped below the requirements for TL3 in the current period. Keep active and you’ll get it back!


ur a TL2, sry :frowning:
Hopefully u can get back.


That’s confusing because I got a regular badge like 17 hours ago lol.

You no longer meet the requirements for TL3 Just grind for them once more and keep in mind that you must be active or moderately active to maintain your TL3.