I got community-banned?

So, supposedly I got banned in the community for a blacklisted url, which is z e n o dot f m but i dont know why it was blacklisted! I was just sending it to a user, as well as mentioning it in a request for someone to make a segment on the show, and meant it in no advertising sense. I have appealed, but I’m just confused. Why did this happen?


Looking at zeno.fm , it seems to be a place for listening to radio stations and podcasts. Maybe this could be blocked due to potential copyright? If your case is well enough though, and you didn’t mean anything in the field of piracy, you should be appealed.

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Yeah, it got accepted, sort of. Im still banned but it says accepted and i got replied!

Please appeal https://contact.moderation.repl.co/

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I did, and it got accepted! Thanks! Really hope I can join team in the future!