I got access to replit extensions!

Well, I use many languages. But I guess lot of people would love it in python!
I just hate JS as it is the most abused of all but I have been building complex stuff with it (before you guys could play with angular and alike, so truly brutal manual JS, yes I am that old).


Curious (admittedly I love JS), how is JS abused?


It went from a scripting language to being used for everything with all sort of injections from other languages without a clear philosophy behind. This because people wanted to do more without being forced to learn more suitable languages.
A language is a tool and every tool has its use, but JS have been turned into a jackknife and it is ugly as result.

But hey I am probably the grandpa here as when i started we only had ASM to do serious stuff, then came C. And silly thiungs were in BASIC or LOGO …


So what makes it ugly? The way it’s an ‘all purpose’ language made for people to do things easily?


Ugly = not efficient. Both as language and of the ugliness framework needs to do to allow to do things always the same way.
There is a reason why Erlang was used/still is as network backbone or C for embedded or rust now for networks. And unglyness bring exploits, bugs, and all sort of things.


Ohh, so because it’s slow because it’s JIT then? That kind of idea? Or are we talking more the syntax or something? (Pretend I’m an eight year old lol :smile:)

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Not only. But hey do not worry, you will find than when we grandpa’s die nobody woudl ever remember … well maybe people doing embedded programming only


lemma guess, ur a python user perhaps?

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Yes and no. I use a language based on the reason and fun. Lately i have been working in asm, rust, go, python, C, ruby, js (and some of his frameworks). Before also forth, fortran, erlang, pascal, ada, cobol, java, C++.
But as now i program for fun (I have a start-up to run) i use python more as i want to teach it to my youngest kid


Some people had access to the beta months ago


Yeah, but it wasn’t hard to figure out how to use it because when they released the extensions for a short time to the public to hype it up (they removed it for people w/o beta access) they had to make the repls with he code public and therefore it was super easy to just figure out how everything worked