I can't move, delete, fork, pin or rename repls

When I try to toggle the repl actions menu under the ‘My Repls’ Section by clicking on the button with the three dots, the repl is loaded.

This issue persists on Mozilla Firefox and Brave Browser.


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@IanAtCSTeach There is bug as @dragonsteel mentioned we can’t click 3 dot option it directly opens the repl and we can’t click on sub option.

Experience on Chrome Mozilla and also tried by keyboard navigation but it won’t work it behaving like a single container even if it shows sub options it just clicks to open repl.


I can confirm this on Firefox developer edition.

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Hi all! To report a bug, please go to replit.com/support and we’ll address it as quickly as possible!


Hi all. I think this is now resolved. I was able to access the sub-options on Chrome. Can you please confirm @not-ethan @fury-05 @dragonsteel


Yes @IanAtCSTeach Now we are able to access sub options.


I’m able to access the sub-options now on Firefox. Thank you for the assistance!

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