I can't ask code questions relating to schoolwork?

Im forgetting the specifics of the rule myself. Its ok to give hints. But for small things like a missing } you can just say entirely. Since this was discussed internally you will get a 404 when going to the link. Here are some quotes thought:

Person A:

I definitely don’t think giving exact solutions should be allowed, it’s basically cheating, it isn’t their work. Hints, maybe, but we have to be careful not to steer them too much. They are the one supposed to be coming up with the solution.

Person B:

I agree wholeheartedly with @Person-A here. If the user is asking for help with code and it’s not apparent that they are handing this in for a school assignment then there isn’t much we can do, but that post was blatantly asking others to do the work for them because they felt programming was hard.

Person B:

I think hints to help others solve their own problems is the correct way forward. Sometimes, especially with the “my code doesn’t work” queries it’s a single line that has a missing quote or bracket and that’s fine to solve it for them. Anything more and we would have to be cautious I think.

That TOS page is heavily outdated and is the standard that comes with discourse. Please refer to the community guidelines. And we will soon add a post to that topic talking about policies that arent really rules.