I am in hacker plan now. Why I can not have private repl?

I am in hacker plan now.
When I want to open my private repl https://replit.com/@p3artschool/Hanoi-3-disk-cpp-vector-ani
I go these message:

Your private Repls are disabled
Upgrade to a plan to renew your private Repls
Upgrade to Make Private

Please help me fix this issue
Thank you.
Jackie Lin fro Taiwan

It doesent appear you have hacker. Are you sure you have hacker?



Next Payment Due:Fri Sep 29 2023
Amount:$7 per month

Please see this screen shot

Odd. I have pinged some replit staff to look at this


Previously , Education team select me as Taiwan Campus Ambassador.
And the project manager set me to half year free of charge.
May be this is why it go wrong!

Hey there, your account is fixed. Iā€™m sorry for the interruption.

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I have same problem.

Thank you very much.
It works.
Now I can open my private repl.

Sorry! Your account is fixed. This problem is rare, but we are fixing the root cause today.

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