How powerful is replit free tier for website hosting?

I have a simple HTML, CSS, and JS page that I’m currently hosting with replit; nothing fancy. You can see its code over at How many users can replit in the free tier handle (without boosts nor pro)?

You mean the free tier ? Well it will nit stay always on so it is not practically useable for a web app or site.

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Yet many of us use it for our personal websites…

@whileTRUEpass @anon40284853 Actually, HTML/CSS/JS Repls do not go to sleep.

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I thought that mine did. I must remember wrong. I prefer the server side Repls so I guess that doesn’t help me.

Same here. I thought mine did until someone corrected me. And I also prefer server side Repls…


Did not know, I do not use repl for website but I assumed you still need a server and that would go to sleep after a while.


There are no limits as far as I know to HTML/JS/CSS repls, as they have special hosting. The only problem might be egress limits.


Egress … the new friend of repl users …


Yes I mean the free tier, I apologize

Egress shouldn’t be a problem. The website itself is really light (a few MBs), and I’m expecting at most 10-20 people per day

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