How did you join the forums?

Title says it all. How did you find your way onto the forums?

For context, I found them as I was looking for programming support. I’m curious to find out other people’s stories of finding this community!


Back in November (2021) I was clicking around the main site board and clicked Ask the community in the question mark menu and joined. This is when it was teacher only and the only active person was Lena.


I joined during an outage with IIRC, and someone else mentioned Ask (I think).

Forums provide a platform for professionals to exchange ideas, insights, and experiences and I wanted to join in. :lying_face: :relieved:

Reality check:

One day after I logged in to my replit account a mischievous voice within me exclaimed, ‘Why not embark on a thrilling getaway by joining forum instead of doing something wise and productive’. :grimacing: :sweat_smile:

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I wanted Microsoft Edge on Replit but I didn’t know how to execute the files for it. Turns out I couldn’t. I guess I just found Ask somehow using Help.

I needed help about why I couldn’t use the “proxy” feature for web scraping….
Ik the answer to that now


I have two main reasons for joining the forum:

  1. Boredom
  2. I needed help w/ something


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I found it when 100 days of code was coming out. I miss my “Qwerty” account from back then :frowning:

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I had an error 500 bug with one of my programs (Replit, not my code). I wanted to submit a bug report, which is how I found my way into the forum. The original post is here.


I was using the Replit app and was trying to find out how to change my PFP, so I checked out Replit Ask :grinning:

I used to go onto the old Canny version of this that was way more limited. Then I was off Replit for a while (back then I used it fully for school so when summer came I didn’t use it). When I came back I had an issue with Replit due to the new UI and when I noticed the Canny version was gone I did some Googling and found Ask. That’s when the obsession began. And no, I didn’t submit any bug reports because I found something on Replit about the new UI and quickly got used to it.

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I found it the same way, but I think I joined roughly in September 2022 lol