HELP ME PLS šŸ˜­ My Bot going not

Hello after hundreds of tries and endless trying of bots the replit doesnā€™t work properly. PS: we have always tried everything with 5 people and the replit does not work as it should.

In discord he always says (also different dc ) the application does not respond"

What could be the problem. we have already: changed tokens, bots, mongo data, etc. everything

Welcome to the community! Are you making a Replit bot or a different bot? If it is a Replit bot, we canā€™t really help you due to ever-increasing restrictions.

Who is ā€œheā€?

I donā€™t know. You didnā€™t provide any code to review.

I donā€™t think itā€™s a replit bot :stuck_out_tongue:


Bot I think.

Many things could be the issue, please provide a repl link or a code snippet.

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The question expresses a lot of confusion but is too vague for us to offer any real help as of yet.

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I suppose that could be.

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We tried 20 Replit Bots that work with more than one but not with me

As I said, due to increasing restrictions, we probably shouldnā€™t help you make a Replit bot.

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I didnā€™t own the bot. donā€™t create one. there is no 1 discord replit bot running on your site on my ACC

Pleaseā€¦ Be more specific.

Are you making a Replit comment bot?
Or a Discord bot on Replit?


Hey there, @NilsHaase1 !

Is your bot turning off intermittently or is it throwing an error?

Have you checked out our new Deployments product?


I donā€™t really understand anything youā€™ve said.

Then let the owner figure it out.

That is good advice.


I donā€™t own Replit. This is not my site. I am a volunteer, as are most of these other people here.


a discord bot for discord on replit

@QwertyQwerty88 and @anon40284853 it looks like this guy is making a discord bot as v14 in the title is a signification of discord.js v14. Please be more patient with this user as it seems like they arenā€™t a native english speaker.

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No It works but this error message comes up in discord

In English the application does not respond

No, Iā€™m German and I canā€™t speak English very well ;(

This looks like an issue with your code. Iā€™m going to change this post to be under the topic of Code Help instead of Replit Help as this is not a Replit-specific issue.


Zeigt die Konsole keine Fehler an, wenn du versuchst, den Befehl auf Discord auszufĆ¼hren? Du kƶnntest die Fehler hier eingeben, damit wir analysieren kƶnnen, was vor sich geht.


Secure? because we tried several discord bots and none worked

ERROR: Unhandled exception: The reply to this interaction has not been sent or deferred