Global chat and or a dm system so you can chat without sending them measages

Describe your feature request
i realy just want a way for there to be dms and group chats or global chat to meet people looking to code similar topics and teach echother
What problem(s) would this feature solve?
it would enabel you to just chat in general with people about coding via chat insted of forums
Explain what you were trying to do when you came across the problem leading to this feature request
i want to meet young coders like me and socialise

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We really need this (maybe community banned people could use like me)

No. That would defeat the point of being community banned. People have been banned for not following the community guidelines and/or TOS. So why should they be able to use a globe chat feature


Since when are you community banned? I see you comment on stuff all the time.

Oh I see:

This text will be hidden

Maybe just allow them to be messaged?