Files unhide in Teams for EDU when a lesson is copied

Problem description:
I am re-writing a Replit course shell for Java for a high school course which was started by Brendon McCart in your Curriculum Hub. This is under Teams for EDU.

I find it useful when I want to create a similar lesson to the last one, to use Copy into the same course team and unit. When this happens, I have a problem with the formerly “hidden” files becoming un-hidden. I can reset this in the menu, but the next time I open the lesson it forgets and un-hides them again; and it un-hides them for the students as well.

Expected behavior:
Specifically, files that I expect to have hidden are .replit and replit.nix. These are always hidden when the lesson loads, for myself and the students.

Actual behavior:
.replit and replit.nix are always shown when the page loads for lessons that were copied from previous lessons.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a lesson in Teams for EDU inside a unit.
  2. Copy the lesson
  3. Enter the copied lesson to see the un-hiddden files

Bug appears at this link:

Windows 10
Desktop PC/Laptop/Shouldn’t matter

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hi @MrKingICS can you please send a screenshot of the initial lesson Repl and then the copied one. I think the icon top left of the screen will be different too. If so this is an issue Replit are aware of.

Possibly also related to Copy Team Project in Java breaks project - #6 by IanAtReplit which I have now moved into #bug-reports

Initial lesson

copied lesson - lesson edited later made no difference to the bug

Thanks @MrKingICS yes this is the same issue. The template type is being changed from Java to a generic blank project somehow.

I’ve messaged support directly about this and moved this topic into bug reports so it should be picked up. The issue only appears to be with Java projects but I’m sorry that you’ve encountered this.

The short term solution would be to create projects and then copy+paste the code in from a previous project.