Feedback on new Replit UI

Yeah and call it “compressed” or smth.

Maybe “Expanded repls”? “Compressed” could work, but it almost sounds like you’re compressing everything (Including the repl).

How about “Focus Mode”, because the focus is on the Repl and not the comments or the Repl’s creator or anything else in all Replit except the Repl itself.


That could work, just make it clear that it focuses on the repls, and doesn’t remove “distractions” while coding (notifs or smth).

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Oh yeah, almost forgot, scrolling to comments doesn’t work either. :expressionless:


And when you click on the comment notift usually wont take you to it, it will just take you to the repl.


^ This is a side effect of what I mentioned.
EDIT: Actually, mine just did scroll, just took about two minutes to process itself.

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I don’t really like it to be honest. It makes viewing comments more annoying, and that’s one of my favorite things about the site. I’m not exactly sure why they want to change it, but if they’re going to mess with comments at least show the selected one at the top instead of scrolling, it’s annoying when you need to hit load more a hundred times to see an older comment.


My honest opinion is, it looks cool, but also doesn’t feel quite right. But I think as time passes, it’ll improve and we’ll get more used to it and accept it. Sometimes the users don’t know what they really want, and maybe after a few weeks, we’ll all absolutely love it and wonder why we ever had anything against it. (Just my two cents)

Actually, I have noticed this new UI is missing something, the fork count… is that a bug/something the team missed? Or is it intentional?
cc: @ShaneAtReplit @IroncladDev

It should have it…

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Ahh, it’s only on your own Repls you can’t see the fork count then.


Yeah it sucks. They squished everything in and now comments are not very recognizable.

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It makes it harder to see and very small (1/5?) of the screen in which you have to scroll, opposed to the 1/2 vertical.


When using Pikabot I always have the chat on full screen.

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Also makes it hard to locate very useful things, like the fork button. It just hurts my eyes because I’m not used to the output being so dang thick.


Is that on Explorer mode? I never heard of fullscreening just the chat.

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It’s possible on everything. You can fullscreen every type of window the normal way.

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Oh you mean with F11?

No, he means like this: