"Failed to load extension manifest"

(Not sure if this should go in bug reports or not so I just put bug reports template)

Problem Description:
Tried to install my extension but it says “Failed to load extension manifest”

Expected behavior:
Extension loads properly without any problems.

Actual behavior:
Says “Failed to load extension manifest” (see screenshot)


Steps to reproduce:

1. Press Ctrl/cmd + K

2. Click "Extensions"

3. Click "URL"


4. Paste your extension URL


Bug appears at this link:
No link as it’s in the workspace.

Browser/OS/Device :
Google Chrome/Windows 11/Laptop (though it probably happens on all devices)


Did you create the manifest? And all extensions are based of repls, so there should be a link.

Edit: is this for an already existing extension?

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I tried on my own Repl and one of @RayhanADev’s. Will try some others in a bit.

Not entirely sure what you mean by “already existing”. One in the Extension Store? If so, then no. This is my own and it most likely works on others too.

Is it a private repl? And what do you mean it works on others.

If it is private could you share the contents of your manifest aka extension.json


Lol I would try extensions, but the literally don’t let you use extension s unless you have beta access, smh

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No, the Repl is public. By “it works on others” I mean I have tried other urls like https://extension-starter.rayhanadev.repl.co/ and https://hello-extentions.enzon3.repl.co/.

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Has no manifest at all.

And for the second one your script.js is the only thing that is different. Try making that the same, and make sure you click the run button to ship it off XD

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I am such a genius.

Wdym by this?

Also, here’s the link to my Repl: https://replit.com/@QwertyQwerty88/StaleComfortableBackticks#extension.json

The same thing was happening to me, but I was able to fix it by setting the version property of the manifest to 0. (I had previously set it to “0.1” which apparently caused the error)

The docs say it’s a “WIP field”


version is 0 by default, and I haven’t changed it, so unfortunately that’s not the problem.

Do you mind pasting your extension.json file here? Or just compare it to mine:

Here’s mine:

  "name": "Jus' an extension",
  "description": "Playin' around with extensions.",
  "version": "0",
  "tags": [""],
  "icon": "",
  "supportEmail": "",
  "website": "https://qwerty-qwerty.is-a.dev",
  "longDescription": "",
  "coverImages": [
      "url": "",
      "label": ""
  "fileHandlers": [
      "glob": "",
      "handler": ""
  "name": "Git Diff Viewer",
  "description": "A simple Replit extension for viewing .diff files",
  "version": "0",
  "tags": [
  "icon": "icon.svg",
  "supportEmail": "admin@vocabustudy.org",
  "website": "https://Git-Diff-Viewer-Extension.grimsteel.repl.co",
  "longDescription": "A simple extension that allows you to view a rich diff from a .diff file.\nFeatures:\n* Syntax highlighting\n\nPowered by [diff2html](https://github.com/rtfpessoa/diff2html)",
  "coverImages": [
      "url": "icon.svg",
      "label": "temp"
  "fileHandlers": [
      "glob": "*.diff",
      "handler": "handler.html",
      "name": "Diff Viewer"

I tried making some of the fields in mine blank and the extension didn’t load so try filling in everything that’s blank


Sorry about this being such an annoying experience

We’ll be adding better errors within the workspace letting you know what’s wrong with the manifest


You’re missing many properties. Most of them are literally empty. I made a Repl that tells you if your manifest is valid or not, and actually tells you what’s wrong, unlike Replit that just says “Failed to load extension manifest”: https://replit-extension-manifest-checker.luisafk.repl.co

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