Export Repls as standalone applications

Feature request
As “exporting” I mean downloading the repl to use it as a standalone application which other people will be able to use easily after getting the app. The activation button could be added to the … menu in Repl’s file lister.

Why would this be helpful
This would help a lot for people who want to create desktop applications in Repl.it

User group to whom would this be helpful
Desktop GUI Developers, software builders

Related issues / limitations that would be solved by having this feature
This will make Repl.it more popular + it will make it easier to use. Also, people won’t have to find and use “secret ways” to export apps. Downloading as zip isn’t actually a solution currently

This depends a lot on the language you make the app in, and how you want to export it, to mobile or to desktop, etc. This is probably not a good thing for Replit to implement, but more like a separate project that someone could make for exporting Repls in some language to native apps.

github actions works nicely if you want to compile a cross-platform app. You can get it to release a new compiled binary every time you push to the repository. See if anything in GitHub Marketplace · Actions to improve your workflow · GitHub meets your needs

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I feel like OP means that exporting not only the files in the app (as a ZIP), but also other files, such as the REPL.it database and secrets.

@LeoDog896 Pretty sure he wants to make a native desktop app:

This would help a lot for people who want to create desktop applications in Repl.it

Desktop GUI Developers, software builders