Every single Repl (mine and others) I look at all get an "Sent Invalid Response Message"

Every Repl I go to I get a “7163e7d8-4f04-423f-8bb9-641a9ff44c97.id.repl.co sent an invalid response.” message. I have changed browsers, I have deleted Repls and even switched accounts and nothing is working. How do I fix this?

Hi @elnolfi welcome to the community.

Can you share a link to the Repl please so we can investigate? The URL you shared looks wrong somehow.


Thanks. The URL you need is https://unit-1-activity.eliananolfi.repl.co/

I see this when I click the “run” button

If you still see an invalid response issue can you please let me know if you are using a school-issued device that might be filtering Replit in some way?

Hi again @elnolfi . Can you please check if anything is blocked for you by loading this Repl and taking a screenshot of the message displayed?


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Thanks @elnolfi for inviting me to the Repl so I could double check the webview and try a “kill 1” command on the affected Repl.

Unfortunately it is still showing an invalid response for you whereas I can see the HTML code display in the webview.

I’ll move this topic to #support:bug-reports and invite a support engineer. Hopefully they will be able to help you resolve this issue.

Hey @elnolfi!

I am not able to reproduce this, your Repl appears to be working fine on my end. Are you still experiencing the issue?