Does Replit play nicely with Instructure's Canvas LMS?

When doing auto grading, how hard is it to transfer grades into an LMS like Canvas? I haven’t been able to find any info on this, Googling Replit and Canvas gets me the wrong kind of Canvas :grinning:

Hello @mprogers welcome to replit ask forums.

In replit you can create tests with I/O Testing and Unit Testing for auto grading, You can find documentation here

When student submits answer data is stored in csv format and can be exported from main project menu example here

Regarding transferring graded to canvas if you have implemented some mapping ( Here mapping refers to what is student id or username in replit and canvas are they same or different ) to the csv file that we get from replit then it can be extracted in canvas.

For me I have same id and username for students so mapping is easy while exporting grades and results from different platform.

Hope this helps you in some way.

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