Discord Bot Failed Embed Command.. No error? (py)

When I run this command nothing appears… No error, no message, nothing. I’ve tried making this a @client.command() but that didn’t help. What am I doing wrong?

This is my code:

async def on_message(help):
  if help.content == "meow help":
    help = discord.Embed( title = 'Oh? You need some Help?', description = 'Bot prefix is "meow". If a Command has- Bot Prefix is not Necessary. Heres a list of possible commands and their uses:', color=0x00ff00 )
    help.add_field(name='Meow 4 me', value='I say nyaa~!', inline=True)
    await ctx.reply(embed=help)
    print("Help is wanted")

I have little experience with python not to mention the no experience with any packages to make a discord bot in python but what is ctx in the line above the print statement?

it should check wither the message was sent or not

What is the function called? Does the @client.command() make it a slash command so that when a user uses the command the function is called?

hi @yas welcome to the community!

Can you share a link to the replit so other users can see the error and suggest some ideas?

Hi @yas I would suggest using the discord.py command handler instead of doing it yourself with the on message event. That would result in your code looking something like this:

import os
import discord
from discord.ext import commands

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='meow', help_command=None, case_insensitive=True)

async def help(ctx):
    help = discord.Embed( title = 'Oh? You need some Help?', description = 'Bot prefix is "meow". If a Command has- Bot Prefix is not Necessary. Heres a list of possible commands and their uses:', color=0x00ff00 )
    help.add_field(name='Meow 4 me', value='I say nyaa~!', inline=True)
    await ctx.reply(embed=help)
    print("Help is wanted")

# Other commands here
# ...
# ...


Hey guys, thank you for all the helpful comments, I figured out that it was a different command overriding it (@client.event async def on_message which scans through all sent messages)