Deployments release

at some point today, deployments will release. To test, just make a repl and see if this is here


Has “deploy to cover page” been removed/changed, or will replit torture us for eternity?

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sadly, they will torture us ;-; soren said we’d be pleasantly suprised and I thought that would mean they would just give us all deployed repls and give us more outbound data/faster cpu/always on for free but instead it seems to just get marginally better CPU with coverage and more shutdowns ;-;

EDIT: can’t read, even the paid ver will have less CPU than free tier of replit ;-;

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Is typosquatting or anything like that going to be an issue with deployments?


yeah that’s gonna be an absolute problem… wait a minute where have I seen this system before


I dont see an option for this ;-;

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it’ll be coming on later today

Ye but why cant i see it? I am a beta dude

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;-; idk lol you need to be on the discord server to be in beta lol

I dont have discord, but who should I contact to keep me as beta?

Then you weren’t in the beta. You need discord to be in betas. And nobody is being kept in beta


Is this different from beta?

how come?

Yes, Explorers is different from beta, and there are multiple different betas too AFAIK.

I have a deep disliking for discord and I will never use it. Does this mean I can never be a beta?

I suppose not, although you could ask someone in it to ask for you, but I don’t know how well that works.

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Who would I ask then?

ahem you ask your bestie to make a discord ACC that’s called JayAySeaOhBee14 so people think it’s you and join Discord and then ask him to carry things out as a proxy

Yeah, explorer is only certain features that get rolled out to test first, beta is like a brand new thing that they want to trial, this was invite only, but you could email I think it was soren and he would add you (that was how I got beta access).


Can somebody explain to me what the difference will be between deployment and always-on?

basically no difference at the moment that I can see? Like I am utterly confused as well