Custom Domain: Run this Repl to see the results here

Hey I have posted this exact problem for another Repl of mine and it mysteriously fixed itself. However, this Repl has been almost 2 weeks with the same issue.

The repl url is:

The custom domain I linked up via Cloudflare:

I have tried unlinking and linking and doing everything but it just keeps saying Run this Repl to see the results here and will not display my web application.

Any help is appreciated thank you.


Hi @NicholasSchmid4 thanks for your message.

When I checked the link I saw the following:

Can you try opening the above repl url in an incognito window and let me know what you see?


Same here on my multiple repls

I just checked @NicholasSchmid4 's custom domain and indeed it says “run this repl”

You are right. The direct repl link works but does not.

I’ve moved this to #bug-reports

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I have had the same issue.

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We recently had an incident in which custom domains were failing to work. Try unlinking and re-linking your domains and see if that helps.

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I’ve unlinked and relinked a few times with no luck. I did that for another repl custom domain and it ended up working but this one isn’t budging.

Does creating a deployment help?

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Unfortunately it says “HTML deployments are not currently supported but are coming soon.”

Could you send me the link to your Repl?
Can you confirm that your DNS records are correct?

Yes here are the links:

The repl url is:

The custom domain I linked up via Cloudflare:

DNS is set up properly on my end.

Use the CNAME method instead of the A method and see if that works. Unlink the domain and re-link with the CNAME technique

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It didn’t work, unfortunately. Any other ideas I can try?

What do you mean by “didn’t work”? Can you please elaborate a bit more?

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I have tried A and Cname records. Both bring me to the same “You must start this Repl to see results”

This is the 3rd custom domain I am doing on Replit. The other 2 worked within 3 days. This one has been almost a month and it still won’t load my repl on my custom domain.

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What are you pointing your records at? Do you have a TXT record?

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What’d the point of having static “deployments” be? It seems like that’d be a waste of money, especially if Replit gave static sites their own VMs.

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