Ctrl + s wraps code

When I press ctrl + s to format my code, the code will automatically wrap around when it reaches a certain length. Is there any way to avoid this and make the code stay in one long line?


add a .clang-format file with:

ColumnLimit: 0

I tried this in a Python Repl and it didn’t work. Is it different in Python Repls?

(Sorry for necro)

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It depends on the LSP server’s configuration. It should be possible to remove the Ctrl+S keybinding in the editor settings.

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I never asked to disable the key bind, lol. I just asked to stop the wrapping.

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Python is extremely whitespace-sensitive, so what happens in C (that screenshot is of valid C, formatted like ccls would do it) won’t happen in python…

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Umm… :laughing:


try this in pyproject.toml

column_limit=# the number of characters on a line before you want it to split

Thanks, that worked!