Can't figure out how to install Pynput

I’ve been trying to address the errors occurring.

poetry add wheel works fine, so does adding pkgs.python310Packages.wheel, but neither fixes the error.

I’ve tried adding pkgs.linuxHeaders, which also didn’t help.

I then managed to find these two topics: Can't install pynput and Unable to add pynput to environment, but neither has helped too much. The first recommends using the package pynput-robocrop from the packages tab, however this package no longer exists, I did find pynput-robocrop-fork which I assume is probably the same or next to. The issue with this is it opens an output window rather than just using the console for everything.

I think I should mention what I’m actually trying to do, I think pynput might actually not be what I’m looking for, I’m trying to read individual key presses (as in ‘on release’) in the Python console. I know this is possible since I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Repls that do this, so I’m going to search for a Repl and try to find a working one to figure it out from.

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