Bounties Fair Pricing

I’m new and clicking around and found the bounties. That is a good idea! Help people stay motivated by helping others. That said, I was reading one request and the specs and felt that the price wasn’t enough …cycles (tokens?) But supply and demand, there were 12 responses already so maybe those people thought it was a fair bid and I should just keep my opinion to myself?


Apparently those twelve people thought the cycles were worth it to them, if you don’t feel like it’s worth it you don’t have to do the bounty. I only do bounties that I find interesting and I think are worth it. I’m not interested in doing work for pennies (But due to that I don’t do that many bounties)


Just think of all the people who do hours and hours of open-source work for free. Some people just want the experience. And a big yes to supply and demand.