Bash: /home/runner/BingusTools/venv/bin/pip: No such file or directory

The solution previously provided in the post is sub-optimal and doesn’t always work.

Try creating a venv folder (just to see whether it already exists).

If venv does exist

Move to Nix modules (migrate your .replit and replit.nix config to match the latest version of the python template, and remove the hidden venv folder) so you can have your repl’s core functions updated and patched by replit immediately.

Otherwise (modules repl)

run in Shell, ignoring any poetry internal errors:

rm -r $PYTHONUSERBASE/{bin,lib/*/site-packages}/pip*
while read
do p=$REPLY
pip uninstall -y poetry
$p install --sync
} < <(type -ap poetry)


Avoid using pip manually and instead use poetry. If there’s a bug fix or feature that’s only available on upstream poetry, don’t update poetry but you could try and open a pull request. You could create an Ask topic to see if there’s a better way of solving your issue meanwhile. Even if you can fix it with a PR, you might have to open Bug Reports and link the PR for it to be noticed.