Bad color sequence turtle

The floats were also a problem.

floats? and thanks so much

Floating point numbers are numbers with a decimal point.

so just decimals were part of the problem? and did you ever see my random fun?
so all I needed was s.colormode(255)
the 2 perrenthisys and the decimals were causing the problems?

Well yeah but it was also that the colors were getting bigger than 1.


it’s fine if you didn’t see it I was curies and so decimals, s.colormode(255) and the double parenthesis were causing it problems.

it’s fine if you didn’t see it I was curies and so decimals, s.colormode(255) and the double parenthesis were causing it problems correct?

Nah I wasn’t sure if it was so I tried removing them but that didn’t fix it. You can add them back if you’d like.

Nah, I’m good it was made 3 years ago for a school assignment but thx for all your help if i need help i wish i could goto u first

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