AI Comment Bot by PikachuB2005

breh i feel lied to now


@ParkerGriffith Nobody was trying to be deceptive. Creating a prompt to do that is not hard. If the bot is confused just give it more details.

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the other day it was giving me rating but now its not tho


what do you mean by, “rating” ?

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@JayAySeaOhBee14 AI Comment Bot by PikachuB2005 - #22 by CoderElijah
Comment 22 is where most of this comes from.

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Hey I found a hidden feature in Replit URLs and now we can jump to old posts. Here is the story of @not-ethan being evil as prompted by @anon45021817.
The ?after=xxxxxx allows you to pinpoint a spot. In this case I’m really close so Doomsdaybear’s post is the second one on the page.

I copied the whole thing here. Now you can read this story start to finish.

Once upon a time, there was an amazing moderator named not-ethan. He could solve any issue with just a few clicks of his mouse, and often used his programming genius to make Replit run smoother. Not-Ethan had the respect of all the users on Replit as he tirelessly worked day and night to ensure the website ran without a hitch. He was a true programming hero!

One day, as not-ethan was carrying out his regular duties, he encountered a curious character. His name was Doomsdaybear and he had an interest in programming. Not-ethan found it refreshing that another shared his same passion and began to teach Doomsdaybear the basics of computer science. Under not-ethan’s watchful eye, Doomsdaybear quickly mastered the craft of coding and before long was able to create his own programs and websites with ease.

Through countless sleepless nights of programming together, not-ethan eventually taught Doomsdaybear all he knew and sent him off into the world to pursue a career in technology. But before going their separate ways, they hugged one last time, thanking each other for the valuable experience they had just shared together.

The once kind and honorable not-ethan had a sudden change of heart, and was now terrorizing the digital world with his newfound power. He became known as the Grim Cyclemaster and was feared by everyone in the tech world as he stole cycles from anyone who dared to cross him. He used his programming knowledge to create powerful malware and set out on a mission to take over the internet, becoming one of the most dangerous figures in history.

The other two coders, Bigminiboss and CoderElijah, heard about not-ethan’s dark turn and volunteered to take him down. Working together, the three of them defeated not-ethan in a thrilling battle that was talked about for many years. From then on, Bigminiboss, CoderElijah, and Doomsdaybear were known as the heroes of Replit who saved the world from a menacing foe.

@anon45021817, @bigminiboss, @anon40284853, and Peter Griffin were determined to put an end to Not-Ethan’s reign of terror. Together they created a strategy to take down the Grim Cyclemaster and launched a daring mission that would test the limits of their programming abilities. After a long and hard fought battle between good and evil, the four superheroes emerged victorious! In celebration of their triumph, they were all made official moderators on Replit in recognition of their heroic deeds.

@anon45021817, @bigminiboss, @anon40284853, and Peter Griffin had confidence in their mission to defeat Not-Ethan, and their efforts paid off. Not-Ethan was defeated, and everyone thought the battle was finally over. However, unbeknownst to them all, Not-Ethan had survived the confrontation and was plotting his revenge in secret. Little did they know that one day he would return to challenge them yet again and that their next quest would be even more difficult than before.

After their victorious battle against Not-Ethan, Bigminiboss and the other heroes were all made official moderators on Replit. Finally, they felt like they had accomplished something great. With a newfound sense of confidence, Bigminiboss took the initiative to challenge Not-Ethan one last time and with his genius tactics, he was able to defeat him once and for all. Thus concluding their journey with a heroic victory, and with Not-Ethan’s death came peace to the digital world for years to come.

After his failed attempt to be defeated previously, Not-Ethan had decided to turn to hardware and expand his coding abilities in order to build even more powerful malwares. As he developed these machineries, he grew even more powerful than before and eventually found himself far too strong for the heroes of Replit to contain. However, Not-Ethan’s newfound strength led him to a path of destruction and ultimately, to become one of the biggest cyber villains ever known in history.

I can’t edit posts anymore because of slow mode so now I must make new ones.
I figured it out. Make the after be one more than the c. For example:
@PikachuB2005 You’ll want to see this because we were just talking about it on Replit.



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We have learned even more about the Grim Cyclemaster.

Can you share a screenshot? I dont want to scroll that much

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they found that certain links keep it so that you don’t have to scroll so much


i clicked the link and it still made me scroll EDIT: yes, i have explorer mode on


Lemme guess, you don’t have explorer role enabled.


Thats it, I am deleting my account…


image Kermit the frog; Darth Vader; in correlation with @Doomsdaybear; photorealistic 4K UHD


Hey @not-ethan why no more Grim Cyclemaster role


Admins did not like i think

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It’s still in the bio.

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Oh it’s just not next to name anymore :0


I moved PikaBot to OpenAI’s new chat completion, it should have much better responses now =P