Ability to copy files and entire folders from one Repl to another directly

It would be great to be able to copy files and entire folders directly from one Repl to another, without having to download them and re-upload them to the new Repl.

Either by clicking on the 3 dots and having a “Send to other Repl” option, or using the existing “Copy Link” and giving the new Repl the ability to import from the copied link.

The 100 Days of Code made me think of this when you have to build upon or modify your previous Repls, without overwriting the originals.


I kind of agree with this.

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Could this not be solved by compressing and decompressing using tar?

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You could but it’s quite a manual process and could be baked in and native to the IDE

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Hi @robsd thanks for your request.

Just for clarification can you describe how this would differ from forking the repl?


I am also voting for this as I use a repl to test things and need to copy some code to the repl where it will used and being able to copy files between repl would be a welcome simplification.


I think @whileTRUEpass just answered that. When you’re testing code on a separate Repl, you might want to copy an entire folder, but not want to have to fork the Repl and bring back the code from your first.

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this would be useful, but on the other hand you can just download all files into a folder on your device and on the other replit import all the files. Some operating systems if not most allow you to choose multiple files at a time. and if the file is code you can just copy and paste. I don’t see this coming any time soon, there are definitely more important things for replit to work on.

YEs but it is more cumbersome. When working locally or even on other online systems, moving files around makes life much easier


Hi @IanAtCSTeach, the scenario in which this would be useful is as follows…

  1. You fork one of your own Repl’s.
  2. You make some changes or add files to the original.
  3. You also make some changes or add files to the new Repl.
  4. You then want a way or getting those new files from the original Repl to the new Repl without having to download the whole original Repl, extract and re-upload the desired files to the new Repl.

By having a way of copying specific files Repl-to-Repl, Replit will save on ZIP processing and bandwidth fees. I understand Repls are hosted on servers inside a datacenter, so the files can just travel over the Replit internal network.

Also the user won’t need to wait for the ZIP to download, extract and re-upload to Replit, which is time consuming and often slow depending on the size of the Repl and their own network speed.


I too am looking for this feature. Especially when we might have a resources folder that we want to move to another REPL, without having to download/upload…just moving in the files systems should be a no brainer…?

any info on this?

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