I have some followers! I don’t remember the count!

BTW This is my first post!


Welcome to the community then!!! Honored that your first post is on my topic. :smiley:

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I have 112 and I almost only code python :sunglasses:

You are such a showoff…

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I code in HTML, CSS, JS, NodeJS, Python, and a bit of Lua. I also have created a small programming language. And I only have 26 followers. (Most are bots)

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What! :exploding_head:
How bots follow you?

100% Not fake

100% fake. https://replit.com/@chandler0bing Nice try.

Nope 100% not at all :laughing: (It was a joke btw)

50 isn’t that much compared to most people

It really isn’t that much imo. Take a look at everyone else who is active here.

:frowning: you don’t have to be so rude about it…


My point is there is no need for a public post here.

Sorry if it came off as rude, wasn’t the intention.

That is still really rude XD. Also, I have only been here for about 6 months and did this in 4-ish. YOU have been here for 3 years. I was just excited and wanted to thank everyone. I now have 73 followers which IMO is a lot.

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Agree to disagree. If you wanna keep discussing it, we can do that in PMs.

I totally agree! My point was just that it was rude for you and @9pfs1 to go to a post almost a month old and tell me there was, “no need” for the post.

It came to my attention after @9pfs1 replied. I didn’t start to bring it back up again, that was @9pfs1.

Correction: It wasn’t @9pfs1 it was @curhahn who replied and brought it back to attention.

Wait What Did I Do? Idk what you meant by