100 Days Day 2 (Syntax Error)

I am getting a syntax error at the following code:

name = input("Name: ")
food = input("Favorite food: ")
music = input("Favorite music: ")
loc = input("Where do you live: ")

print(name) print(" loves ") print(food) print(", ") print(music) print(", and lives in ") print(loc) print(".")

The error syntax error is located in print(", and lives in ") I have seen the answer but would like to do it in a single paragraph and not new lines. Might be too ahead to what I should be but how do I do this right?


name = input("Name: ")
food = input("Favorite food: ")
music = input("Favorite music: ")
loc = input("Where do you live: ")

print(name, "loves", food, "and", music, "music as well as", loc, "location")

Thank you! I tried that earlier without the commas, thanks!

your welcome :smiley: have a nice python journey