1-3 free private repls

Now before you say that this is a dupe of Free Private Repl, I am not trying to achieve the same goal.
Describe your feature request
I would like the feature to have 1-3 free private repls (@sonicx180 thinks 2 is best) to use up before you actually buy more with cycles.
What problem(s) would this feature solve?
This would solve people from shelling out on their first few repls to be private, and yes, I know that replit might not have the funds, but perhaps showing people how useful private repls are, they would want to buy more.
Explain what you were trying to do when you came across the problem leading to this feature request
I am working on multiple projects I would rather keep to myself.


just enter in Shell

gcc -Ofast -x c -o k - <<E
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
int main(){if(strcmp(getenv("REPL_OWNER"),"$REPL_OWNER")){kill(1,1);}}
sed -i '1ionBoot="./k"' .replit

and make it so the website only sends a response if you’re authorised by repl auth


To clarify, It’s a school project, and I would like my classmates to have access.


Then why isent it in a team in an edu org? Does your school not know its free?


My school doesn’t use replit, I’m just using HTML instead of a slideshow.


create a node.js repl and just start a simple express server and store your entire html document in the environment variable. then, just add whatever authentication you want, like a password and hash the password stored and on the client side ask for a password then hash the password the client gave and compare it to the hash stored. then, just send the enormous environment variable to the client (like the client asks for it from a fetch request) and set the body content to the environment variable

or make ur slideshow locally and put it onto a github pages with the repo private


Nevertheless, 1-2 private repls for everybody is going to attract more people to use replit; one of the concerns I have about replit is how every repl’s source code is completely open and able to be seen.
The ability to have 1-2 private repls could attract many users.


Wish I could vote but I’m all out ;(



Repl auth is not secure though


I mean repl identity isn’t but really? You can spoof the headers?

No. the auth headers are sent by the replit proxy, not your browser, and even if you can find the IP of the repl to send a request to it directly, it returns ヾ(*ФωФ)βyё βyё☆彡.


bye! Thank you so much

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THAT IS EXACLTY WHAT I DID! no need to make a slideshow when you have code :smiley:

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I could still get the code using the api tho. (couldn’t I?)

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How do I run this piece of code you provided?

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paste it into the Shell tab and hit enter


We need this it gives people freedom and stops people :rofl: at their work.


Or just 1 private repo so that people who want to try things out in private do it. this is the reason I’m going to not use Repil. I was excited about it until I learned that I couldn’t even create a single private repo.